Greetings, I’m Faithe J. Day!
I’m passionate about the internet and the relationship between the self we display online and who we are offline. As information and data become an even more important part of our future, I use my interest in the internet to fuel a passion for privacy, policy, and the politics of platforms, as well as a consideration of intersectionality and identity performance.
I have over ten years of experience creating, writing, and editing digital projects, publications, curricula, and research focusing on innovative educational experiences in media, information, science, and technology.
I use my work to teach people about the possibilities and pitfalls of being human in this hypermediated era!
2013-2018: PhD in Communication Studies from the University of Michigan
2009-2013: B.A. in English and Digital Humanities from Wesleyan College
2021-2022: Center for Black Studies Research (CBSR) Postdoctoral Scholar in Data Science at the University of California - Santa Barbara
2019-2020: Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Curation for African American Studies at Purdue University
2018-2019: University of Michigan National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) Postdoctoral Fellowship
2013-2018: Rackham Merit Fellowship at University of Michigan
2013-2017: Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship - National Academy of Sciences
2010-2015: Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory (HASTAC) Scholar
Spring 2023: UCSB Instructor of Record for BLST 38A: Introduction to African-American Literature
Winter 2023: UCSB Instructor of Record for BLST 136: Black Feminist Thought and BLST 4: Introduction to Race and Racism
Fall 2021- Spring 2022: UCSB Student Engagement and Enrichment in Data Science (SEEDS) Program Research Mentor and Guide
Fall 2020: Purdue University Instructor of Record for AMST 590 and AAS 371: Black Digital Studies
Summer 2020: Purdue University Instructor of Record AMST 590: Cybercultures & Ethnography
Spring 2020: Purdue University Instructor of Record for ILS 490: Critical Data Studies Research - Directed Research Team Project for Undergraduate Students
Fall 2019: Purdue University Co-Instructor of Record for HON 399: Critical Data Studies
Summer 2018: University of Michigan Instructor of Record for COMM 101: The Mass Media
2022-2023: Asia Pacific Women in Leadership (APWiL) Mentoring Program
2022-2023: UCSB Division of Social Science Faculty Mentoring Program
2022: UCSB Center for Black Studies Research Mentor for Undergraduate Students
2021 - 2023: Student Engagement for Enrichment in Data Science (SEEDS) Research Mentor and Guide
2020-2022: Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Collaborative Futures Project - Lead Editor
2020: Black Women’s Studies Association (BWSA) Social Media Coordinator; Present: BWSA Member
2019: Transformative Works and Culture, Editorial Reviewer
2015-2016: Students of Color of Rackham (SCOR) Marketing, Advertising, and Communication Chair
2014-2016: Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) Communication Committee Chair and Steward
2011-2013: Wesleyan College Literary Journal (Pioneer’s Press) Non-Fiction Editor
2010-2013: Wesleyan Word Newspaper Staff Writer & Literary Editor
March 2024: Invited to lead a CLIR Fellows workshop titled “‘That CLIR Fellow’: Using Intention and the Internet to Build Your Academic Brand.”
July 2023: Participant in the CITRAL/Instructional Development’s Reimagining Instruction for the Student Experience (RISE) Summer Institute
April 2023: Invited Speaker at the virtual workshop “Professional Pathways in the Black Digital” for Temple University Libraries
October 2022: Invited to facilitate a panel titled “Visioning and Versioning Just Futures: Is Another University Possible?" for UCSB’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
February 2022: Presented on the topic “Teaching Data Justice” for the University of California- Santa Barbara’s Center for Black Studies Research SEEDS Program Speaker Series
January 2022: Invited to lead a CLIR Fellows workshop on “Online Presence and Marketability” titled “‘That CLIR Fellow’: Using Intention and the Internet to Become Your Future Self.”
November 2021: Invited to contribute a video presentation for the University of Global Health Equity’s Third Edition of the Hamwe Festival titled “Pandemic, Confinement, and Social Changes”
August 2021: CLIR CAMP 2021 Camp Counselor - Invited to lead two workshops titled “Content and Creativity: Making the Digital Project” and “Collaboration and Community: Marketing the Digital Project”
October 2020: Participant in the workshop “Toward Equitable Participatory Design: Data Feminism for CSCW amidst Multiple Pandemics” at the Computer Supported Collaborative Work Conference
March 2020: Taught a workshop titled “Doing Data Different: On Analyzing Small Data” for the “Women in Data Science” Conference at Purdue University
March 2020: Planned and facilitated Critical Data Studies (CDS) Learning Community Student Data Counter-Mapping Event
March 2023: Presented as part of the “Algorithms for Her” Conference with a talk titled “From @BlackTikTok to #YouTubeBlack: Unpacking the Politics of Video-Sharing Platforms”
February 2023: Invited to give a guest lecture titled “Reading Theory and Recognizing Praxis: On Indie Television and Intersectional Digital Media” for the course FAMST 241: Television and Digital Media Theory at UCSB
October 2022: Participated in the “The Brilliance Program’s” Faculty Mentorship Presentations for the UCSB Center for Black Studies Research
October 2022: Co-Presented with John Maclachlan (McMaster University) at the annual Digital Library Federation (DLF) Conference with a talk titled “Creating Curated Futures: Taking a Project-Based Approach to Digital Collaboration”
October 2022: Presented as part of the UCSB Engaged Teaching Symposium with a talk titled “COVID, Canvas, and Critical Digital Pedagogy: Creating Curriculum and Community for the Hybrid Classroom”
May 2022: Presented as part of the UCSB Center for Black Studies Research Postdoctoral Research Panel with a talk titled “#YouTubeBlack: Analyzing Race, Identity, and Online Community”
April 2022: Invited to give a key-note address titled “Doing Digital Humanities for Social Good” at the UCSB Research + Activism Colloquium
March 2022: Presented as part of the “Impacted Communities” panel at the Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA) 2022 Data Science Leadership Spring Meeting
February 2022: Invited to give a lecture for the course HUM 346: Intro to Digital Humanities at Princeton University titled “The BLDB: Black Data Studies in Demonstration”
January 2022: Invited to give a lecture for the course ART 7D: Art, Science, and Technology at the University of California - Santa Barbara (USCB) titled “Black Living Data in Demonstration”
December 2021: Invited to participate as part of a panel titled “Creating a Better Culture and Climate around Data Science at UCSB" at the UCSB Data Science Summit
January 2020: Participated in a panel titled “Data Privacy” for the Purdue University iTap Communication Group
September 2019: Invited to give a talk for the Purdue University Critical Data Studies Monthly Open Seminar Series titled “Que-erying the Collection of Black Data”
May 2019: Presented at the International Communication Association Conference (ICA) on the paper titled “From #BlackGirlMagic to #GirlsLikeUs: Reading and Representing Black Womanhood Online”
January 2019: Invited to give a talk for the University of Michigan American Culture department titled “Quaring YouTube Comments and Creations: Analyzing Black Web Series through the Politics of Platforms, Performance, and Pleasure”
March 2018: Presented an individual paper titled “If I Was Your Girl: Race, Religion, and Reimagining Pleasure in Black Queer Web Series” at the Society of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference
November 2017: Presented an individual paper and on a panel at the National Communication Association (NCA) Annual Convention
February 2017: Presented at the SPEAK Graduate Student Conference at Georgia State University (GSU) on a paper titled “Not Just Between Women: The Performance and Policing of Identity in YouTube Commenting Communities”
December 2016: Invited to give a lecture for the course COM 429: GLBTQ Media at the University of Michigan
November 2016: Presented at American Studies Association Conference (ASA) on the paper titled “Imagined Commenting: The Construction of Black Queer Community within YouTube Counterpublics”
June 2016: Presented at Console-ing Passions Annual Conference (Notre Dame) on the paper titled “Peculiar Performativity: On the Politics of Quare YouTube Series”
June 2016: Invited to give a lecture for the course “Black Popular Culture” in the Department of African-American Studies at the University of Michigan
April 2016: Presented at the Digital Blackness conference at Rutgers University on a paper titled “Between Butch/Femme: On the Politics of Quare YouTube Web Series”
March 2016: Presented at SCMS on a panel titled “Cultivating the Self Rethinking Gendered Agency in Neoliberal Society”
June 2015: Co-presented at the Black Arts Initiative Conference (Northwestern) with Dr. Aymar Jean Christian on a presentation titled “Locating Black Queer TV: The Production and Publics of Black Indie Series Online”
March 2015: SCMS Panel Presentation titled “Black Awkward: ‘Awkward Black Girl’ and the Queer Consumption of a Web Series Redefining Black Womanhood”
January 2015: Presented at the “Data of Life Writing: Gender, Race, and the Digital Conference” at the University of Michigan with a Lightning Talk titled “Writing a Life into Computer Mediated Reality: Analyzing the Production and Reception of Awkward Black Girl”